DEFLEX® - Your independent system partner
and leading supplier of accessories for windows,
doors & facades.

We develop, distribute and assemble tested products to suit all well-known window and façade systems such as Heroal, Hueck, Kömmerling, Schüco, VEKA etc. ...

Our customers from trade, commerce and industry appreciate our unique product range and competent advice. With a qualified on-site service, our field service is active throughout the country. Practical customer proximity and a partnership-based approach - this is the central statement of the DEFLEX® philosophy.

Years of experience
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Delivery rate 24 hrs.
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For many years, our customers from planning, trade, commerce and industry have appreciated our unique product range and professional project advice at every stage.

From us for you

In addition to personal contact - digital or on site - this also includes other services such as assembly planning, provision of tender texts, online seminars and much more. Get an idea of our extensive range of services.


We provide you with solutions for window and façade construction


Your contact before, during and after delivery


Planning, tendering and executing window sealing professionally

End consumer

Contact the certified DEFLEX® partner

We have always been sustainable

Environmental protection begins on the doorstep

For us, sustainability begins in everyday life and is constantly being developed further.

learn more

More than environmental management

DEFLEX® operates sustainably. Our CO2-neutral location, biodegradable packaging materials, DGNB-listed products and much more speak for themselves.

Sustainability has always been an essential part of the DEFLEX® corporate strategy. Management and employees are constantly striving to create added value for customers and business partners through innovative and economically viable products and services.


Would you like to know what's new at DEFLEX®? Here you can find out everything you need to know about product innovations, DEFLEX® Insights, sustainability and insect protection.