Published 24 Jul. 2023

Now still participate in the insect conservation contest

Since 2019, DEFLEX has successfully supported the insect conservation contest as a sponsor. This year you can participate with 2 actions.

One is about insect walls, the so-called dry stone walls. Here, insects of all kinds find safe shelter. On the other hand, the competition also revolves around homemade insect watering holes - especially important in these hot summers!

And this is how it works:
Until 30.09.2023 can be posted on Instagram own insect drinkers and / or insect wall. Simply write a short explanatory text, use the hashtag #insekten_tränke_23 and/or #insekten_mauer_23 and tag the profile with @insektenschuetzer. You already have the chance to win 250 EUR or even 450 EUR by voting.

Take part now - the insects win in any case!